jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Welcome to our online English lessons!!!

Hi guys! Como os había prometido pongo a vuestra disposición este blog que administro con Vanesa Costas y que os permitirá repasar muchos de los contenidos que estamos viendo en BÁSICO 1.
Le dais click en el mes de noviembre para empezar desde el principio (corresponde con la entrada más antigua)
Cualquier duda que os surja me podéis comentar en clase.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Listening activities

1) Listen to a man SPELLING WORDS.
Write the words on a separate sheet of paper and when you finish look at the answers.
Attention! Number 4 is two words. The man says "new word" (Es la expresión que utilizamos para indicar que pasamos a deletrear otra palabra)
En el email dice "period" para el punto, aunque, como ya sabemos no es lo correcto, sino que deberíamos decir "dot".

2) Listen to man making a DINNER RESERVATION.
Listen and choose one option (a, b or c).
When you finish, check your answers.

3) Listen to a man interviewing a woman about PERSONAL INFORMATION.
Listen and write your answers on a different sheet of paper. When you finish, click on the arrows and check your answers.

4)Listen to a conversation AT A RESTAURANT.
Listen and write your answers on a different sheet of paper. When you finish, click on the arrows and check your answers.

5) Listen to a conversation and write the time. WHAT TIME IS IT?
Listen and write your answers on a different sheet of paper. When you finish, click on the arrows and check your answers.

FOR MORE LISTENING ACTIVITIES, click on: http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/bllisteningquiz.htm (Do the activities of the LEVEL: BEGINNER)

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

New listening activities

There are new listening activities about 'daily routines' on the link 'Daily routines. LISTENING activities' (marzo, 2013)

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Interactive book present continuous

In this book there are:
1- examples of the difference between present simple and present continuous
2- rules of present continuous
3- time expressions used with present continuous
4- sentences to complete with present simple or continuous
5- vocabulary: action verbs
6- listening to some noises and identifying what they are doing. It's similar to the activity we did in class.

And the best thing is that you can LISTEN TO EVERYTHING and that the programme corrects all your answers except the activity on pages 16 and 17. You can do the activity, print it and give it to me.

Click on the icon below and start the activities. I hope you like it!

What are they doing?

Listen and choose the correct answer to practise the present continuous tense.
Click on the image below:

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Basic tips for writing

This PowerPoint presentation helps you organize your piece of writing. Remember: every paragraph = 1 topic/idea.
Click on the link below to access the presentation: